(05/08/2015): Update:
According to the OC Register, the LTG Platinum Center's 28 story condo tower, if built, will be 354 feet tall. The article states, there is currently no timeline for when this project will be heard by the planning commission and city council. The Angels baseball team has an issue with this proposed project with regard to the parking and intensity of this project. While the project still needs to go through the approval process to try to get approval from the City, the developer and City will also have to work out the issues raised by the Angels. Additionally, there is also a new rendering:
(Note: See below for rest of post from 04/13/2015)
Orange County Dense Developments Blog provided an update with regard to the projects in Platinum Triangle (See here for prior post). However, those projects entailed low-rise developments, until now. ocptguy brought to my attention a new proposed project within Platinum Triangle that is reminiscent of the larger projects that entailed high rise towers. The developer of this project is LT Global Investment Inc. which is the US subsidiary of LT Commercial Real Estate Limited. LT Commercial Real Estate Limited is listed as a Hong Kong company under the China Lerthai Commercial Real Estate Group (Source). According to the Orange County Business Journal (OCBJ), the Chinese developer mainly focused on projects within China, but is now looking at attempting to construct a large mixed use project located at the intersection of Orangewood and State College. The project site is about 14 acres. The developer has dubbed the project LTG Platinum Center which will cost $450 million. The project will entail two high rise towers: 28 story condo (170 units; if built will be the next tallest building in Orange County surpassing the 200 Spectrum Center tower) and 26 story hotel (300 luxury rooms), ~460,000 sq ft retail/entertainment space (proposed entertainment space includes "...an ice skating rink, indoor surfing park, and boutique cinemas"), and 430 midrise rental units. Office space (total 60,000 sq ft) is also proposed. The developer hopes to start construction on this project next year and aims to finish the project by the year 2020. (Source: http://www.hopscape.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/15_03%20OCBJ.pdf Note: this is a scanned document that does not include the full article. This scanned document was found through Google Search. Please refer to http://www.ocbj.com/news/2015/mar/16/price-chinese-developers-platinum-plan-450m/ for the full article and to read more about this project (Note: Subscription required)).
Preliminary Renderings:
Once again, please refer to http://www.ocbj.com/news/2015/mar/16/price-chinese-developers-platinum-plan-450m/ to read more about the project.
For more information:
http://www.ocregister.com/lansner/firm-661093-high-platinum.html?page=2 (OC Register)
http://www.latimes.com/business/realestate/la-fi-property-report-anaheim-20150508-story.html (LA Times)