From the City's website, it is possible to see the development status of the various projects located in the Platinum Triangle district. The most recent update was Dec 10, 2014.
Orange County Dense Developments blog took a look into the most recent update and provided a prior post (link) showing pictures of those sites that are deemed under construction (in yellow in map). Those are site numbers: 8, 15, and 16.
Accordingly, this is another picture update.
Descriptions about the projects are from the City's website (Source)
This site entails 400 dwelling units that are approved and there is construction activity at the site.
According to the OC Register, this project broke ground and the developer is JPI/TDI Companies.
Pictures taken: 02/28/2015
The following pictures of the project site is the southern portion abutting Katella Avenue and south of Auburn Way.
Pictures taken: 02/28/2015
According to the OC Register, work is to begin later this year. The developer is Wolff Co. No definitive date was stated in the article.
Pictures taken: 02/28/2015
According to OC Register, the developer is Wolff Co.
Pictures taken: 02/28/2015