The Museum House project is located in Newport Beach's Newport Center/Fashion Island area and the address is 850 San Clemente Drive. The developer, Related California Urban Housing, LLC. (Related), is proposing to construct a 26 story condominium tower consisting of 100 condominium residential units.
Picture of 520 Newport Center Drive:
Site Plan:
According to the Initial Study report for this proposed project, the project site has an existing building which currently is the OCMA building. The proposed project will required the demolition of the 23,000 square foot (Orange County Museum of Art) OCMA building along with the surface parking lot (27,380 square feet). The proposed demolition would take two months (January 2018 to February 2018).
According to LA Times, the OCMA have stated they plan to relocate to the City of Costa Mesa in the South Coast Metro area. More specifically, near Segerstrom Center for the Arts.
With regard to the construction of the tower project, this would be performed in one phase consisting of about 26 months (about 2.17 years). The proposed start of the construction is March 2018 and proposed completion date is May 2020.
Currently, no renderings exist, but the proposed building elevation plan provides a preview of what the building might look like.
Office high rises are also making a comeback as the tallest building in Orange County 200 Spectrum Center tower near Irvine Spectrum is now leasing. Additionally, Irvine Company is also constructing the twin to the 200 Spectrum Center called 400 Spectrum Center.
Museum House Initial Study Report