It was reported in mid November of last year that The George project broke ground. Today's quick visit shows construction activity picking up as a pile-driver was at the site.
From Project's website:
Pictures taken: 01/12/2016
By: Chad Kim
It was reported in mid November of last year that The George project broke ground. Today's quick visit shows construction activity picking up as a pile-driver was at the site.
As the picture shows, The George is located right next to Angel Stadium in Anaheim's Platinum Triangle district. This project entails up to 341 residential dwelling units. The project's website can be found at and their front page shows a rendering of the future residential building. The developer of the project is Lyon Living with partner, Integral Communities.
From Project's website: Pictures taken: 01/12/2016
Video (recorded on 1/12/2016):
Lyon Living also partnered with Integral Communities to build Nineteen01. This is an apartment and townhome project, which is now leasing, and located near Downtown Santa Ana on 1st Street and Cabrillo Park Drive. Visit Nineteen01's website for more details.
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