Apex II, from applicant 900 South Figueroa Street Pad Investors, is a proposed 28 story tower (317 feet tall), with a total of 341 residential condominium dwelling units (this is 60 more dwelling units than the original approval), that is the final and third phase out of the entire project. The third phase also includes 11,687 square feet of retail. The location of the project is 901 S. Flower Street and 700 W 9th Street.
Apex 1:
Urbanize LA provided a more detailed look at the renderings including the retail building that is in between the Apex I tower and proposed Apex II tower.
Currently, the existing lot of the final phase is a commercial surface parking lot. Entailed in the final phase is the construction of 40 new vehicle parking spaces, as well as, 387 bicycle parking spaces.
It is possible to see the status of the permit information, with regard to the Apex II project, from Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety's website.
Looking at Google Maps, public transit is available near the project site including DASH, LA Metro local bus, Foothill Transit, Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) intercounty express bus. 7th/Metro Center station which includes LA Metro's Red/Purple lines (subway) and Expo/Blue lines (light rail) is about 0.4 mile away from the project site.
The purpose of this meeting with regard to this project is for a public hearing on addressing the appeals from the Appellants, Astani Enterprises and Richard & Megan Alessi. Among the 8 appeals, issues stemming from the appellants include arguing that the change from the original project to a revised one that increases the total dwelling units by 60 more, three new off site signs, 4,050 square feet new rooftop deck, lesser amount of off-street parking, and changes in architecture warrants a new environmental review. For more details on the other appeals please visit the Appeal Report and see the Appeal Summary that starts on page 6.
Overall, through the staff's analysis, five Recommended Actions were stated of which action number 2 states, "Deny the appeal and sustain the decision of the Director for the construction, use and maintenance of 341 residential condominium units and 11,687 square feet of neighborhood serving retail uses". The Recommended Actions can be found on p2/615
According to Curbed LA, Astani Enterprises was the original developer of what is now Apex, prior it was called Concerto. The previous developer faced a bankruptcy case and at that time was the Great Recession. Instead, ST Residential became the developer of the project.
Stay tuned for the outcome of the meeting.